Transport insurance

The transport insurance guarantees the insured an indemnity for the damages caused to the insured goods during their transportation on water, land and air trips, on national and international routes. Coverage can be extended while goods remain in warehouses.


 Transport insurance coverage.

Transport insurance consists of basic coverage, with automatic contracting, and additional coverage, which cover risks that are not covered by basic coverage, and against which the insured can optionally guarantee itself, by paying an additional premium.

There are some options for contracting basic coverage, among which we highlight:


Nº 1 – Basic Restricted Coverage (C) – guarantees the insured the losses that it may suffer as a result of losses and material damage caused to the insured object exclusively by:

a) Fire, lightning or explosion;

b) stranding, sinking or capsizing the ship or vessel;

c) rollover, collision, tipping or derailment of land vehicles;

d) collision, collision or contact of the ship or vessel with any external object other than water;

e) collision, fall and / or forced landing of the aircraft, duly proven;

f) unloading the cargo at the port of arrival;

g) cargo thrown into the sea;

h) total loss of any volume during the ship’s loading and unloading operations; and

i) total loss resulting from sea fortune and / or rapture by sea.

No. 2 – Basic Restricted Coverage (B) – guarantees the insured the losses that it may suffer as a result of losses and material damage caused to the insured object by the risks mentioned in the previous coverage and also by:

a) flooding, overflow of water courses, dams, lakes or lagoons, during the land trip;

b) collapse or fall of stones, lands, works of art of any nature or other objects, during the land trip;

c) earthquake or volcanic eruption; and

d) entry of sea, lake or river water into the vessel or ship, vehicle, container, van (liftvan) or storage location.


No. 3 – Broad Basic Coverage (A) – guarantees the insured the losses that it may suffer as a result of all the risks of loss or material damage suffered by the insured object, as a result of any external causes, except those provided for in the non-loss clause indemnifiable.

There are also basic coverages that aim to cover goods and / or specific situations, such as the following coverages:

Nº 4 – Basic Restricted Coverage for Shipments of Goods / Goods Packaged in Refrigerated Environments;

Nº 5 – Broad Basic Coverage for Shipments of Goods / Goods Packaged in Refrigerated Environments;

Nº 6 – Basic Restricted Coverage for Frozen Goods / Goods;

Nº 7 – Broad Basic Coverage for Frozen Goods / Goods;

Nº 9 – Broad Basic Coverage for Live Animals (Except Air Shipments of Live Birds);

Nº 10 – Broad Basic Coverage for Live Transport Air Insurance;

Nº 20 – Basic Coverage for Baggage Insurance; and

Nº 21 – Basic Coverage for Insurance of Goods Carried by Carriers.

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